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Sunday 22 December 2013

Square Enix slashes price on most Final Fantasy titles by 50%, Chaos Rings trilogy by 60%

Final Fantasy featured
If spending more than a few hours with your family is enough to give you anxiety, Square Enix just might have your perfect escape. Starting today in the Google Play Store, many of their popular (read: expensive) Android titles have been marked down by as much as 60%.
Square Enix has been notorious for releasing some of the Play Store’s more expensive titles, only these come without those annoying in-app purchases plaguing freemium titles. You get what you pay for. Here’s the running list:
Not too shabby right? As for myself, I’ll take this as the perfect opportunity to pick up all the 3D FF remakes I never got the chance to beat/purchase on my Nintendo DS. As a heads up, you might want to only purchase when you have a chance to make sure the install process goes without a hitch. There’s been more than a few reports of incompatibility issues on some devices.
Don’t worry about waiting until after Christmas to give these a download. The sale is running from now until January 5th, so you have plenty of time. Oh, and hit the source link to find even more popular Android games on sale from publishers like Gameloft, Warner Bros, EA as well as a handful of indie devs. Cheers, everyone


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