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Monday 23 December 2013

Taptool could be “the perfect accessory for the heavy touchscreen user”


We live in a world that is dominated by touchscreen devices such as tablets, smartphones and even touch PCs. Touchscreen technology makes our lives easier because it creates an intuitive, natural way to control our mobile devices. On the downside, constantly tapping against a touchscreen can also be pretty hard on our joints and fingers.
For people with finger conditions such as nerve injuries and arthritis, prolonged use of touchscreen devices can prove to be a relatively uncomfortable experience. Even those without finger and joint issues can sometimes start to ache after using a tablet or smartphone over long periods of time.
With that in mind, an orthopedic physical therapist by the name of Matt Weiner is preparing to take his new ‘Taptool’ project to Kickstarter, which is designed to address some of the issues involved with touchscreen use. The Taptool is a mobile accessory made of injection molded engineered plastic that is designed to absorb vibrations and relieve stress from your finger and joints.
Aside from helping those with finger/joint issues, the Taptool is said to have other benefits including allowing for better type accuracy with the tines activating the screen “in a 3 to 4mm area”. The tool is also promoted as being useful for those with longer fingernails and as a way to keep smudges off your screen.
Even more importantly, the device could have potential in the healthcare industry, as it could provide doctors and other medical workers with a more hygienic way to use touch devices in a hospital/clinic setting

Okay, the Taptool isn’t particularly exciting, but it could still be very useful in select situations. The only catch is that it doesn’t exist yet — at least not beyond the early prototyping phase. Weiner hopes to submit it to a crowdfunding platform in the near future, however.
It’s unclear how much the Taptool will cost if and when it becomes a true commercial product, though we imagine that it would be relatively cheap considering it’s basically just a small, custom piece of plastic that works with most touchscreen displays. For more details on the project, be sure to head to Taptool’s official site.
What do you think, could you see yourself using such an accessory? Would it make sense in settings where hygiene is a concern, such as hospitals? Let us know what you think in the comments!


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