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Friday 20 December 2013

Vibrometer & Car Shock Sensor Alarm

yet another in the lovely set of Smart Tools, this Vibrometer app is a vibration meter, which can track seismic occurrences and other aspects of a vibrational nature. Again it comes with a beautifully sensitive scale as well as an additional text chart option which offers examples of the type of vibration being experienced (e.g. dishes broken, difficult to stand). The scale is measured in Modified Mercalli Intensity, if that means anything to you.
With all the technology on-board a modern smartphone, it makes perfect sense for them to be combined into a silent car alarm. Car Shock Sensor Alarm sends an email alert to the car owner if someone hits or moves the vehicle without permission. The app will also send update emails at predetermined intervals as the vehicle continues to move. The software uses the GPS and accelerometer sensors and you can set the sensitivity to hits, and the timing of the email message notifications.


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